Here at Strike Finder™, we’re always keeping our eyes peeled for the latest inventions. Some of the new crop looks promising, and we wish we had invented it first. Sometimes we don’t. What new tech will survive the transition from invention to product? Take a look and decide for yourself:
The DUO Camera
This slick little number came about from a concept of social photography, allowing a photographer to shoot their friends and snap a classic “selfie” at the same time. I don’t predict that the serious photographers that hang out around here will flock to purchase this gadget, but then again, it does draw away the curtain, allowing your instagram followers to see what kind of face you make when you’re trying to take a picture. Will it catch on? Could it also be used to take 3D photos? Will it come in black? Time and business will tell.
Ultra Ever Dry
You’ve probably heard of this hydrophobic coating already. One of their demo videos has over 6 million views on YouTube. That’s a lot of views, to say nothing of the countless videos of people trying their own demonstrations at home. It’s pretty cool stuff after all. Rather than direct you to a video you’ve already seen (no more than 6 million times), I’ll show you one of my favorite DIY home movies of the stuff.
Strike Finder™ Electronic Drip System
While water droplet photography isn’t a new invention, we thought we’d make your lives a little easier by creating this device, which allows you to precisely control the drip rate so you can take cool droplet collision pictures like this one. I like to think our founder Josiah got the idea for the electronic drip system while shooting this video.
Come across any cool smart gadgets lately? We’d love to hear about ’em, or any ideas you’d like to see that haven’t been invented yet, in the comments.