Which company really has the best Digital SLR Camera?
This is a question that many photographers, both novice and experienced, have asked for decades. Those who are in the market for their first digital camera more often ask this question. No mater where you stand on the photography experience spectrum, we are amped to share this post with you, presenting our break down and personal conclusion in the age-old SLR war.
How do you use, or plan to use your DSLR?
Both camera companies offer a wide selection for different types of SLR photographers. Like most, we’ve broken up our photographer types into the following categories:
• The Novice
• The Video Junky
• The Pro Ready For an Upgrade
Depending on what it is you will be using your digital camera for, you will want to do your homework with both companies. I have created the following brief outline, focusing on the 3 types of photographers previously mentioned.
The Novice
This is the typical point and shoot hobbiest who is ready to graduate to the next level, the SLR level that is.
Both Canon and Nikon offer great entry-level cameras for this type of photographer.
“Entry-level DSLRs were made with you in mind. Models like the Canon EOS Rebel T3 and Nikon D3100 have all you need to get started. Although they give the full-manual flexibility of any DSLR, they also have many simplified exposure presets…” – Pete Pachal, Mashable.com
Honestly, both cameras have all you need but there is one thing you may want to consider, price. Typically, Canon is a bit more affordable. In my opinion access to quality equipment is very important and if you’re concerned about price, you may want to stick to Canon.
The Video Junky
For those who love to play with video as well as photo.
Again, in this department, it is pretty hard to say which is better. Both Canon and Nikon offer very similar models, which shoot great video.
The main difference being, the Nikon SLR will typically offer a continuous autofocus while capturing video footage. However, there is also down side to this feature; the motor used for the auto focus has been known to create noise, thus being captured in the audio of your footage.
The Pro Ready For An Upgrade
For those who have an older SLR and are looking to upgrade.
At this point in your photography career it is likely you have already committed to a brand. Both make high quality, dependable cameras. The final choice will really just depend on what you like and as mentioned before, what you primarily use your camera for.
- Offers the largest range of lenses of any manufacturer. “Seems the obvious choice if either you have no idea where you’re trying to go, or conversely are looking to go into something fairly specialized.” – Rob Taylor photo.tutsplus
- Canon also has created a somewhat similar situation in regards to filmmaking after their release of the Canon 5DMkII. “…Revolutionizing filmmaking at all levels in 2008 has meant that the majority of third-party filmmaking lenses and accessories are designed for compatibility with Canon products.” – Rob Taylor photo.tutsplus
- Canon typically provides their product at lower prices than their competitor Nikon.
- Known for manufacturing their DSLRs with essentially the same mount they’ve used since the 1950s. This means that many old Nikon lenses work on new Nikon cameras. If your work allows you to use manual focus, this opens up a huge range of lenses for very affordable prices. – Rob Taylor photo.tutsplus
- Nikon is known for their work in flash technology. “Nikon has done a great deal of work to ensure that their cameras communicate well with their flashes – something Nikon calls the “Creative Lighting System” or CLS for short.” – Chris Roberts Digital SLR Guide.com
What SLR do we prefer?
Personally, I don’t think this fight could be any harder to officiate, considering both Nikon and Canon make great cameras. I really did my best to break it down and at the end of the day I really think it all has to do with relevance. Both camera companies are legit and both have certain features to offer each type of photographer.
But I promised you we would take a stance. Ultimately, I think I am going to have to root for Canon. Here at Ubertronix, we use a Canon 5D Mk III for our photos. While Nikon is a great camera brand, they just don’t offer the wide variety at the prices Canon does. As mentioned earlier, access is everything and Canon seems to provide more access to the photo loving populous.
A Great Camera Trigger That Works For Both!
The Strike Finder™ series of Camera Triggers work well with both Nikon and Canon (and many other DSLRs), so whichever brand you prefer, Strike Finder™ has you covered!